Monthly Archives: April 2019

Joint tracking systems for MIG/MAG Welding Robots


Joint tracking systems for MIG/MAG Welding Robots. Robots don’t make mistakes when welding, but we make them indeed; for instance, placing pieces  and their dispersion make robots lose their welding path, causing serious problems. Currently, when we opt for a robotic welding cell in the hope of both to multiply by 3 production rates and reduce costs, we don’t tend to take into account that robots do not detect our errors: fixture design mistakes, arranging mistakes, dispersion of manufactured pieces and human mistakes when piece-feeding the robot. This translates into frustration for the production responsible when trying to meet with expected [...]

Joint tracking systems for MIG/MAG Welding Robots2019-04-26T06:46:44+00:00

Contact tips for MIG/MAG welding, a key element


Contact tips for MIG/MAG welding, a key element. Contact tips are a key element for our welding torches to work perfectly and on a daily basis its importance is more and more disregarded. We will unveil some myths and legends which manufacturers use to differentiate themselves from competition. Contact tips are manufactured almost entirely out of copper with some alloys which are used to tweak the contact tips characteristics depending on the welding application. Contact tips are responsible for supplying all the electric power to the welding wire and provide arch stability, but the question is: what type of contact [...]

Contact tips for MIG/MAG welding, a key element2019-04-05T11:19:49+00:00
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